
Mrs Harrison
Mrs Harrison is the Principal, Literacy co-ordinator and P5/6/7 teacher.

Mr Martin
Mr Martin is the P5/6/7 teacher (principal release)

Mrs Scroggie
Mrs Scroggie is the P3/4 teacher, Numeracy co-ordinator, WAU co-ordinator and Designated Teacher for Child Protection.

Mrs Courtney
Mrs Courtney is the R/P1/P2 teacher, ICT co-ordinator, Eco-Schools co-ordinator and Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection.

Miss Henry
Miss Henry is our classroom assistant in P3/4.

Mrs Cartmill
Mrs Cartmill is the school caretaker, lunchtime supervisor and secretary.

Miss Mckinney
Miss Mckinney is the classroom assistant in P5/6/7.

Mrs Henry
Mrs Henry is the classroom assistant in P3/4.

Mrs Patton
Mrs Patton is our catering assistant.
Kingsmills Primary School, 63 Drumnahunshin Road, Whitecross, Co. Armagh BT60 2TA | Phone: (028) 30 830 312