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Kingsmills Primary School, Co. Armagh


2018/2019 School Year

16th May 2019
We had a visit from the RNLI Lifeguards. They gave us lots of good advice about...
15th May 2019
It is that time of the year again when P7 get the chance to learn some new skills...
15th May 2019
With the beautiful weather the foundation stage class have been busy outside planting...
10th May 2019
During Art we have been looking at the work of a famous American painter Jackson...
7th May 2019
So another topic has come to an end and we are now a lot wiser. We learnt how to...
7th May 2019
Well done to all our weekly and monthly award winners. Keep up the great work everyone!
3rd May 2019
3rd May 2019
All the pupils had a great time with their hard boiled eggs. They had an egg and...
3rd May 2019
P6/7 have been studying 'The Rainforest' as their topic and they created these pieces...
1st May 2019
Well done to our half-termly prize winners. These children had completed the most...